Hey hey hey! the
heading means get out of here, it's the rude form but I don't know the polite
way of saying I'm peacing out. Maybe just Fiadanana! That means peace. I don't
think it translates the same though.
Alright, so I got all
the letters and I am able to email because we are leaving Monday morning so
this is my last one from the MTC. Finally! He is very excited to go to Mada.
He finally answers some questions from past
Did I get the Cholula?
I did.
Thank you so much! Life savers. It was even in one piece and everything! Glass
bottle, I was worried.
Did I get a new oil
I did.
They had them in the bookstore for super cheap so I got an all metal one that
seals really tight and some oil. We had to consecrate it ourselves but that was
actually a cool experience. So I'm set there.
Did I find a
I did.
They had them in the bookstore, it was two bucks. Pretty sick deal. We didn't
get one because we weren't sure which one it was, and we figured I could buy
one in country. We can't, but Brother Sender told us which one we needed so I'm
good. Thank you Bro. Sender!!
Did I see Conner?
I did. A
few times actually, neither of us have had our cameras yet though haha so I
will track him down in the next couple days with my camera in hand. The new
one. He had better get a
picture with him or Conner’s Mom and I will be angry.
Did we get to host?
I did.
(hehe every answer) It was a lot of fun actually, I really enjoyed it. I get a
little emotional every time though, but it's good :-) I have met a lot of
people going to California Riverside, that's where John went isn't it? If not
then delete that part haha So
glad he had the experience to host the incoming missionaries. John did serve in CA and went to college at
UC Riverside.
What kind of games?
dumb ones haha although I guess the game with the flour in a cup is pretty big
over there, where you pack the flour and put a penny on top of the flour? If
you have no idea what I am talking about ask Bro Reagan, we played it for
mutual one time. The dumb ones are still pretty fun though.
Did my haircut turn
out ok?
It did. I
like it, but it is so short haha I just was tired of having to style it. The
lady was not very good though. Very aggressive haircutting style, pushing my
head all over the place. If anyone reading this is related to the hair
cutting lady, sorry. Also, this was the conversation we had
I sit down.
her "How do you
want it?"
me "As short as
possible please."
her "Alright.
Where are you going?"
me "Madagascar
*big smile*"
her "Cool"
And that was it.
Awkward. But she did vacuum my head at the end of it so that was pretty legit. He
would love the vacuuming part.
Different camera ve?
Ve just
implies that it's a yes or no question. Pretty sick. But anyway yes I got the
new camera, and I forgot to send the old one home today with all the letters and
the Ferb pez dispenser (which I love and Elder Higbee just thought was the
greatest thing ever since he came up with calling me that) so I guess I am
taking it with me. I sent him a lot of extra Pez candies. Hoping he could share with the children of
Madagascar. Not sure if they have Pez
over there.
What did I think of
Mada music?
Some of
it is really cool, it's like tribal mariachi music almost. Pretty repetitive
sometimes, but so is American music. There is a rapper/singer guy there called
Y Zit. Pronounced ee zeet but you see what I saw haha I guess he is a pretty
big deal there though, like a Malagasy Usher. Ok now that is funny!
Devotionals lately?
Yeah, we
have one every week and a fireside every Sunday night. Pretty good usually but
sometimes it's more like nap time for 2000 missionaries in suits.
Sunday services?
We have
breakfast, sacrament, then a couple hours of study time, then priesthood,
lunch, then an hour of study time, then district meeting, then a temple
walk, dinner, and the fireside. When I was a zone leader it was like this
though, meeting during breakfast so no food, sacrament, meetings, priesthood,
lunch, meetings, district meeting, temple walk, meeting, dinner, fireside,
meeting. Sucked.
I will try to do
better with translating the headings from now on. Thank you!
Speak your language
day helping ve?
really. It would help if I knew more conversational Malagasy but I don't know
much, just doctrinal stuff. So it's mostly just a frustrating day but I am ok
with it, and since every day will be like that starting Wednesday(!) I am
getting better at it. Please continue to pray for his language abilities.
The real soccer ball
is awesome, especially since it glows! It even glows green! Figured
that out the night I got it when I shut the lights in our room off haha the
pump is sweet too, Elder Austin is going to borrow it when we get there to pump
his back up. OK I have to admit I got the idea to send him one
when I read Elder Austin’s blog and saw he took one.
I haven't had a chance
to write Holly yet, will you send me her address? I want to write a bunch of
letters while I am on the plane and she is definitely someone I wanted to be
able to send it too.
Thank you for the
calling cards from Shelly, but seriously I have more than enough minutes. I
have forty dollars of minutes to call you four times. That is many minutes.
It's ok though because they don't expire so I can keep them and call you on the
way home :-) which will be cool. OK I admit I have been worried that he would run
out of minutes. I WANT MY PHONE CALLS!!! Thank you to my good friend Shelly who
has delivery connections in the MTC. I did find out that plane
tickets to Madagascar are only two thousand dollars if you go the way we are
going. Look at flights to South Africa and then a separate flight to Mada. I
guess that's what the church does. Still a lot, but less than six thousand like
originally. We talked about picking him up until we looked up
tickets and they were $3000 each!!
Also, thank you Dad
for telling Mom not to come down here and break the rules. Busted
again, I did throw out the idea that we could just happen to be at the airport
that day. See that is why he is going so
far away. He has a Mom with no self-control. Thank you for not making me a hypocrite. I have been the
stickler on rules here, just the important ones but I'm the guy that no one
likes now so that's great. I am happy and sad about that. So happy he is
following the rules. Sad some of the other
boys are not happy with him. I will
admit I did not expect him to say that. That is more Wyatt’s thing.
Well, the time has
come. I'm moving on to Mada, and I could not be more excited. It's a little
intimidating, but I am so excited and ready to be there even if I'm not fully
prepared. Know what I mean? I just know that it will be the best two years of
my life, even though that is super cliché. I know that the lord wants me to go
to Madagascar and teach the Gasy people. I have so much faith in this calling,
partially because I have to. OK this is a well pleased parent moment. So great to read things like this. And I know
how he feels, we are so excited but intimidated for him too.
One more thing, don't
send me any more letters to the MTC. Anything you sent Saturday or send Sunday
through Dear Elder I won't get either.
Love you all.
Elder Galbreath ny
fahadimy (the fifth)
A last shout out to the other Mada Mom’s. I know you understand exactly how we are
feeling right now. Thank you for the
support and kind words. They made it through the MTC, now on to bigger and
better things.
Everyone else please pray for a safe and
uneventful flight for our missionaries.
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